Live a better life (short film)
Réalisé par / Directed by : Karl Rhainds
Produit par / Produced by : Rain&Sunshine
Music supervision & Voice recording by : Marc Bell (Troublemakers Studios)
Mixed by : Fred Bouchard (Troublemakers Studios)
Personnes interviewées / People interviewed : Alex Bastide, Marc Bond, Manuel Bond, Mario Del Solar, Rosco Jones, Henry Marek, Heneireia Te Aomarama, Scien & Klor and Nicolas Wills
Filmer par / Filmed by : Marie-Soleil Lachapelle & Karl Rhainds
Filmeur additionel / Additional filmers : Max Lee, Francois Hogue, Henry Marek, Issam Kechouri, Amelie Petit Jean and Adam Thompson.
Musique par / Music by :
All songs published by Les Éditions Trouble inc.
1. Cuatro - Cafe Fuego Vol.1
Composed, produced, recorded & mixed by Marc-André Bellefleur & Cristobal Tapia de Veer.
2. Travel
Composed by Ghislain Leclant
3. Sorrow
Composed by Ghislain Leclant
4. CI Opening
Composed by Ghislain Leclant
5. Mezcal - Cafe Fuego Vol.1
Composed, produced, recorded & mixed by Marc-André Bellefleur & Cristobal Tapia de Veer.
6. 9 St Marks - Cafe Fuego Vol.1
Composed, produced, recorded & mixed by Marc-André Bellefleur & Cristobal Tapia de Veer.
7. CI 4
Composed by Ghislain Leclant
8. Playa Chica - Cafe Fuego Vol.1
Composed, produced, recorded & mixed by Marc-André Bellefleur & Cristobal Tapia de Veer.
9. Fuego - Cafe Fuego Vol.1
Composed, produced, recorded & mixed by Marc-André Bellefleur & Cristobal Tapia de Veer.
10. Nouveau départ
Composed by Ghislain Leclant